Media Manager

File Sharing & Storage
AI Video/Picture Tagging
Centralized Video Review Tool
Multi-Destination Publishing
Video Captioning

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Create projects faster, with fewer tools, at a fraction of the cost


Upload media assets directly to our platform, or share the secure upload tool to your freelancers, agencies and globally distributed teams. Select assets, project, and send.


Content is geo-tagged, auto-tagged and transcribed to help find what you need. Use our captioning tool to create searchable dialogue - perfect for when you're asked "where's the b-roll from that project we did a long time ago?"


Use our intuitive trim and clip tool to remove unnecessary portions of your video and create short, downloadable clips.


Send video for review to clients & stakeholders to comment, and attach files if needed- all organized by timecode instead of going back and forth with lengthy email threads to compile your edit list.

Publish & Sync

Who has time to upload videos and do data entry to various downstream systems like DAMs, OVPs and YouTube? Set up dynamic publishing rules and enforce meta-data / taxonomy governance in the process.

Try it today.
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